Welcome to my blog!

Hi everyone and welcome to my very first blog post! My name is Jessica, I’m 29 years old and I am a nutritionist. I live in a tiny beach town in Namibia, which is absolutely beautiful, but it can get quite boring sometimes – small town syndrome…. Especially if you are used to big city life, like I am. I moved to be with my current boyfriend, whom I met on holiday here, call it a “summer romance” which turned into me giving up my life as I know it, to be with him in this small town called Swakopmund. I have now been here for over three years.

I have opened up my nutrition practice here, but due to the small nature of the town, I find myself with plenty spare time on my hands, hence the reason for starting this blog. In this blog I will share with you my personal journey to health, as well as recipes and health related articles. As you will soon find out, I am all about that natural life, avoiding drugs and chemicals wherever possible!

My own health journey started at around the age of 20. I was born with chronic asthma, and I was hospitalised yearly, often spending up to two weeks in hospital. My asthma would get so bad that I would sometimes end up in ICU, and even suffered a collapsed lung (which I was told, could’ve been fatal if I had not gotten to the hospital in time). On top of that, I struggled with debilitating eczema, my whole body was covered in a horrible red rash with a constant itch.

At around the age of 20, I started to discover the role that food played in asthma and eczema. I started to change the foods that I put into my body, and from that moment on, I have not set foot inside a hospital again. To this day, I am clear of asthma and eczema. It is my hope that some of you reading this blog, might gain some benefit from reading my personal story.

I will tell you exactly how I gained control over my asthma and eczema in my next blog post, including the foods I eat and foods that are a trigger, foods that heal and the supplements that I take, all whilst being on no medication whatsoever!

Until next time

Jess xxx

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